Incredible Express is a game in which you will have to run a railroad company. You will guide Maria - a young girl that has inherited an old steam locomotive - to start a railway company and to make it profitable. She will have to build a railway, to operate switches and semaphores, and to remove cows, thus making sure her trains do not run into accidents and reach their destination as quickly as possible. You will get more money by delivering cargo in time, so it will be better for your business to take the shortest route and to speed up your trains as much as you can.
As you advance in the game, things will become more complicated. You will begin carrying vegetables, but as industries appear in your area, you will have to carry not only the raw materials they use to manufacture whatever they do, but also the finished goods they produce. You will also have to build bridges to go over the water, attach balloons to the cows that stand on the railroad and collect the milk they leave behind when flying away. That milk will be worth money when delivered to the station.
As in every BigFish game, the download link will install the BigFish Manager, which will then download the needed files to install the game from the developer’s site. The evaluation version will let you play for sixty minutes.